Sovereignty is the New Guru

Sovereignty is the new Guru

a Human Design Perspective

This is a transformative time ultimately pointing to Sovereignty as the new guru. No more outer authorities that we think know better than we do. We tune in and listen to something beyond mind and deepen into self trust and inner authority.

In 2027 as a new year cycle begins, we collectively transition from the Cross of Planning, which has been in effect for the past 400 years, into the Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix.

What does this mean?

For the past 400 years we were in the energy of planning, and all the structures created through this cross of planning.  Now humanity moves into a new way of being and doing with the Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix.

Here are some keywords about the Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix

  • Self governance
  • Authenticity
  • Mutation
  • Solar Plexus (emotions)
  • Individuality
  • Self sufficiency
  • Abundance

No more outer authorities telling us what’s right for us or doing things in a cookie cutter way where we are expected to do things in a one-way-fits-all way of doing things. This is dissolving. We can look at the business sector to see how much it is changing. People work more from home, less in an office, or as a solopreneur working for themselves as their own boss,  with digital capabilities to be able to do that. 


To flow with the new energy and new ways of doing things, we are pointed within to know ourselves. Pointed within rather than looking outside of ourselves for answers and solutions. 

 Know thyself as a way forward. It means no reliance on anything outside of ourselves to tell us what, where, how.  The guru is within us.



We will be shifting from outer reliance into individual powerful creator. Going forward all manifestations and creations will come from the individual especially those who are self-responsible, know their strengths and gifts and live their purpose within the wholeness of humanity.

Already there are rumblings and crumblings of the “old” ways. The transition we are in is a messy one. It’s also what creative energy is like. Messy as it mutates into its new form.

This is definitely the time to be true to you, and knowing what that means to you. What you are creating with your innate gifts, challenges, shadows, and purpose takes awareness and presence.

How you are thinking, what you say, and what you manifest as an individual is impactful in a beneficial way to humanity when it is aligned with how you are designed.

There is no age limit on this. 

You can be retired from working and you still benefit greatly in this life by knowing thyself and living your design. It's not about time, it’s not too late.


Your decisions have to come from your inner authority. Not the mind, but a deeper part of you that can guide you in your true power and purpose. In Human Design there are different types of inner authority decision making. Knowing what yours is and transitioning out of your head into this inner authority of the body will be massively life altering for many because as a society we’ve been so heavily oriented to making decisions from the head. And look where we are!   

To keep it simple: the body leads and the mind is there to support that lead. You can read my last blog, Body Leads, Mind Recedes where I talk about this in more detail. 

Even if you are not familiar or into Human Design, I hope that you can feel in my words the energy of what sovereignty means in our human evolution and the importance of self-governance, inner authority, authenticity, individuality, and using your innate gifts and talents to bring in a period of abundance and creativity that enhances humanity.

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With love & gratitude,

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