Letting Go, Letting Flow

Letting Go, Letting Flow

Are  you adrift, feeling like what once was is no longer floating your boat? You are not alone, my friends.

We are in a time of changes and transformative experiences which are happening to many of us, and if we can let go and let flow we can live a life that feels aligned, on purpose, and deeply relaxed.

Relaxed because when we TRUST in the flow of life and let it carry us we don’t need to control every little thing, which is exhaustive. We can navigate the mind’s interference; those narratives,  stories, worries, fears that have no basis in reality.

It may sound simplistic to describe it like that, but in essence it is very simple. It’s the ego that doesn’t like to relinquish control and so sets up many resistances that can make it feel like life is hard, life is struggle.

So I encourage you dear friends, to see things from a very different perspective. We are being supported, if not pushed in this direction.


I encourage you to let go of the need to control and start to embrace the things that help you trust more deeply in the flow of life.

Recognize that our need to control comes from fears around survival.

It’s hardest to trust when things feel tough and unknown.  And yet it is doable. The hard times ask the hardest of us to trust in the flow of life. 

We can view the universe as punishing, or we can view it as always having our back and helping us to get on track and live our full potential and purpose. On track to aligning with the flow of life. Trusting that what might initially seem a disaster was there to help us realign and be on a truer path for ourselves.

Personally, I’ve had lots of this going on in the past 6 months or more. I know I am not alone. We are seriously being guided to align with the flow of life. No more mind thoughts controlling us, but rather diving deep into the nature of reality. Questioning. What is real? Letting go with what no longer works. We feel this in our body energy. The mind has nothing to do with it. The body knows. TRUST in the way the body tells you things. This is one thing I see being pointed to.

In the last 6 months I’ve let go of many things. Some came about with ease, some came with a shock.

For example

  • I let go of my routine teaching yoga in a physical studio environment. It was a fairly long time coming and when it was the right time, everything fell into place and I knew it was the right thing to do.
  • The retreat I have run in Bali at the same time every year for 10 years was suddenly gone for 2025 due to an error with the booking manager who inadvertently gave my spot to another person. (I’m booked in for 2026)
  • Retreats in Mapleton QLD are going ahead with the possibility that the venue may be sold. I've scheduled my retreats with the understanding it could sell and eventually may no longer be available. 
  • I looked into re-starting my once a month day retreats that I ran before the coler weather and I planned for more Sept onwards only to  find out the venue is now closed for renovations.  So I’ll see what else comes or let it go.

Each one of these events and situations I find myself moved towards letting go, and letting flow. It doesn’t mean there were no emotional components and I simply just flowed. For some things that occurred  I was upset, angry, and flabbergasted but in the end my TRUST won over.  

TRUST relinquishes  Control

That trust helps me let go of what happens and open to other possibilities, including doing nothing at all. Now there is a concept. I wonder because it does sometimes feel like I’m being paused and guided to doing nothing much at this time. I’m curious about that. 

One thing that happened in Bali is that I had an opportunity to learn energy healing with a Balinese traditional healer. It was available at a particular point in time and place for me  …  and I said yes.

I gave energy healing  sessions to some of the women on my recent Bali retreats. It’s simple and very effective.  Especially as I lean more towards working with energy, rather than words. It's so direct.  It’s very powerful and I feel grateful to have this come to me.

I don’t know what’s in store for me with this, or anything else, nor do I need to know or control it in any way.

It’s a freedom to let go and let flow like this.

I hope it inspires you to find your way to let go and let flow.

If you feel you’d like some guidance, I use Human Design to help you gain insights about yourself, your purpose, your gifts and talents. Align & Shine with Human Design

If you are nearby and feel the call to receive an energy healing session, let me know.

With love & gratitude,

Align & Shine®  Human Design readings. Guidance on your soul purpose and work you're designed to do. 

Balinese Energy Healing sessions - No talk, no touch. Purely energetic healing and clearing.

Join me for Online Yoga. If you would like to know about my online Yin Yoga classes go here.

Meditate with me: For audio meditations you can find me on Insight Timer