Wu Wei Way

Living in Conscious Flow

What happens when life throws you what seems like a curveball? In hindsight the curveball can be seen as necessary. Perhaps  to shift you into another pathway or to align you more to what is correct and true for you at a particular moment in time.

However, at the time, a curveball can throw you off balance, be shocking, or hard to accept.. 

How we respond to a sudden change of circumstance will either help us be in flow, or be stuck in resistance.


When you respond with trust, even if you are freaking out in the moment, you will come to a place of feeling expanded as you adjust to the new energetic flow of life and allow the unknown new direction to slowly reveal itself. The freak-out subsides and you rest in the calming energy of trusting in life's twists and turns.

On the other hand  if you resist the ‘adjustment’ there is a feeling of contraction in the body and the mind goes into overdrive trying to control and work it all out. This impedes the natural flow of life.

Most of us want to live a more effortless life.

It requires TRUST

We can’t always know what lies ahead or why things happen the way they do.

Awareness shows us there are two paths:

align with love or align with fear.

In order to align with love there has to be trust in the unknown. Trust in a universal energy and consciousness that is not here to punish, or hurt us. This universal energy is unconditioned love. Not a personal love, but an all permeating force of creation. 

Connecting to the flow of life

What is Wu Wei (pronounced woo way)?

It can be described as effortless action that arises from spontaneity. 

Do nothing and yet things are done.

An acknowledgement of the invisible yet permeating energy of the Dao: letting one's action follow the simple and spontaneous course of nature.

Meaning that there is no personal “doer” as such who is doing anything. We are in the flow of life and life is a fluid, flexible, free flowing energy that we are part of, not separate from.

How do we follow the course of nature? 

What gets in the way?


Practices to bring you into a deepening self trust:

  • Meditation
  • Consistent connection to nature
  • Time for solitude and reflection
  • Following your intuition and letting it strengthen and guide you, rather than the mind’s tendency to fear and overthink.

If you are called to know your true nature, you will desire to live the way of Wu Wei. 

Make this desire to know yourself a devotion to trust in universal consciousness and the mystery of beauty and love that is all around us in creative forms.

With love & gratitude,

Align & Shine®  Human Design readings. Guidance on your soul purpose and work you're designed to do. 

Balinese Energy Healing sessions - No talk, no touch. Purely energetic healing and clearing.

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Meditate with me: For audio meditations you can find me on Insight Timer