017: You are Creative

Aesha Kennedy CreativeYou are Creative

Aesha Kennedy

This week on the podcast Aesha talks about creativity and what that is and why we are all creative even if we think we’re not. 

Aesha is a Creativity Coach, teaches mindfulness yoga, and is a visual artist. She’s passionate about supporting women to discover their creative essence and give it expression. She helps women birth their ideas and projects into the world and  navigate the creation process to ensure that your soul-seeds are nourished and come to fruition as they are meant to.

Aesha runs yearly BlossOm Retreats where women not only replenish their body / mind and reconnect to their spiritual essence but they also discover the creative wellspring within them and how much joy and happiness can be expressed through opening their channel of creativity.

On the podcast Aesha invites you to take up a challenge to discover what you love doing, and put that on the top of your list of “to do’s” and how that can affect your daily life.


website www.aeshakenedy.com





With love & gratitude,

Align & Shine®  Human Design readings. Guidance on your soul purpose and work you're designed to do. 

Balinese Energy Healing sessions - No talk, no touch. Purely energetic healing and clearing.

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