016: Graceful Transitions with Micaela Becattini

Micaela Becattini | Brilliant Misfits Graceful Transitions

with Micaela Becattini

Michaela Becattini is a Life Transitions Specialist

She is passionate about supporting people who are going through intense personal and professional transitions.

Micaela knows first had what it means to navigate intense life transitions. She shares her intimate story of giving up her successful business in Italy, following love, being in a foreign country and having to learn a new language, becoming a parent , re-invent herself and re-build her business. 

Her purposeful work in the world is helping others cultivate self-belief and strength by offering engaging and creative tools and workshops for finding the light in the midst of struggle in life.

Micaela passionately believes that harnessing the courage to reveal your self enables people to get out of boxed mentality and live a life which is true to who they are.

As a Life Tranistion Specialist Micaela helps her clients master their mindset, understand their emotions and tap into their true resilience and move through trials and changes with more ease and grace without suffering a complete meltdown.

Her own experience and inherent gift of emotional empowerment gives Micaela a depth of understanding and empathy to help others come through their challenges and transitions and live fulfilling lives that are true to them.

Brief Bio

Doctor in Clinical Pedagogy

Certified Holistic Psychodrama and Group Facilitation Trainer


  • When she realized she was different and had an advanced emotional capacity
  • Following the love and leaving behind all the successes she had achieved in Italy to move to Australia
  • Feeling alone and isolated in a new country not knowing language and how she reinvented herself.
  • Reviewing ones values
  • How to surrender and say “yes” to what life presents to us
  • Willingness to change
  • Nourishing our business, or whatever we are creating



Website: www.micaelabecattini.com.au

E-mail: micaela@micaelabecattini.com.au

FB page

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Brilliant Misfits with Aesha Kennedy
Brilliant Misfits with Aesha Kennedy
Aesha Kennedy

Brilliant Misfits is a podcast about women who didn't fit in and explores how this has helped them create amazing lives and businesses by courageously following their heart and doing it their own way. Each week host Aesha Kennedy, a creativity coach, interviews women about their personal stories as it relates to their area of expertise on entrepreneurship, mindfulness & spirituality, feminine leadership, art, marketing & branding and more... Be inspired by their wisdom and take-away tips to help you create a life and business that allows you to BE YOU and BE BRILLIANT.


With love & gratitude,

Align & Shine®  Human Design readings. Guidance on your soul purpose and work you're designed to do. 

Balinese Energy Healing sessions - No talk, no touch. Purely energetic healing and clearing.

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